What is a missional coffee shop?
You might be saying to yourself, “a missional coffee shop sounds cool, but what does that actually mean and how does it work?”. We are glad you asked!
How much money are we giving? Traveling Grounds partners with non-profits around the world and right here in our local community. The way we partner with them is that 10% of all our profits are given directly to these missions, charities, and humanitarian efforts. Every cup of coffee we sell is putting money and resources directly into the hands of those who need it most.
Who are we helping? Each month we will post our “partner projects.” These are outreaches and humanitarian projects that are touching the lives of people living in some of the most awful situations on the globe. The money we raise will be used to care for children in orphanages, provide clean water in impoverished nations, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and so much more. To be clear, we are unashamed about our faith in Jesus Christ. We believe in spreading the good news that God Is Love and there is hope in Him. However, all of our friends who are missionaries and leaders of these phenomenal projects have expressed to us the importance of meeting people’s physical needs before we address their spiritual needs. With that being said, whether you believe the way we do or not, you can feel good about the fact that every cup of coffee you drink is funding humanitarian efforts around the world and touching the lives of hurting people.
How many projects do we give to each year? Traveling Grounds is committed to helping as many people as we possibly can. Our strategy for doing this will be a monthly rotation of projects - some of which will be international and others that will be local. The plan is to work within each quarter of the year. In month one and month two of each quarter, the portion of profits will be sent to people working in other nations who have good rapport with the people of those nations and the ability to put the resources where they are most needed. In month three of each quarter, we will donate to local charities and organizations that are working to bringing healing to people, right here, at home.