Find out who we are, what we are doing, and why we feel called to do it.
Meet our founders, Abby and Caleb Rodgers. They have spent the last decade serving local churches, pouring into other leaders, and giving into missions and ministries around the globe. A few years ago, a dream started to come alive in their hearts. It was a dream to bring together people who want to make a difference and organizations who need funding to keep sharing hope and healing with hurting people. They both love good coffee and they love helping people, so it only made sense to launch a missional coffee shop. That idea is what birthed Traveling Grounds Coffee Company.
In 2019, a pastor and friend shared with them thathe felt very strongly that God was going to have them to launch a business. At the time, being newly married and both stepping into new jobs, it seemed too impractical to be true. However, over the next few months, that thought would not leave Abby’s heart and mind. She began getting these ideas about opening up a coffee shop, giving ten percent of the profits to missions around the world, naming it Traveling Grounds to help communicate what she was feeling called to do, and other things of the sort. All of a sudden, what had felt impossible began to feel like exactly what God wanted them to do. From there, multiple friends and mentors have miraculously found their way into Caleb and Abby’s lives to help fulfill this vision, as well as unexpected provision to further the mission. Traveling Grounds doesn’t have a story if you remove God from it. They are following what they feel God has told them to do and working to fulfill the words of Jesus — to “do unto others..” to help “the least of these..” and to “go into all the world.”